Life doesn’t have to be a struggle.

Tired of the hustle and constant stress? You’re in the right place, love. Bloem is an intentional lifestyle guide for high achievers who want to create a softer life of ease, flow, and alignment.


I’m Annie, lifestyle coach and founder of Bloem.

If you’re new here, welcome! I’m here to help you go from feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed out, to living an aligned life that feels like a hell yes. I believe in a holistic approach — combining psychology, science, and spirituality.

The Bloem Method.



Embracing the present moment brings you the peace and awareness to create an intentional life.


Being fully in tune with your body helps you connect with yourself, find balance, and feel good.


Listening to your inner guidance allows you to make decisions that align with your true self.

But the truth was, I was miserable.

My life felt like a constant struggle, always hustling while barely making ends meet. My rock ‘n‘ roll lifestyle, ADHD, and unhealthy relationships didn’t help things either, as they fueled my anxiety, overwhelm, and depression.

One day I woke up and decided I was done. If this “dream life” didn't bring me joy, then what was the point? This marked the beginning of my quest for true happiness and the start of my personal development journey.

Here’s my story.

Let me take you back to 2012 in Amsterdam. I thought I'd done everything to be happy. I’d chased my dream of starting a photography business and even won a major award. Working with top magazines like ELLE and VICE, and photographing famous artists, on the outside it seemed like I had it all.

As I embraced mindfulness, I realized I was living a life that didn’t align with who I truly was.

I wanted to create an intentional life that would work for me. So, I started to let go of what I thought would make me happy and focused on what actually brought me peace and joy. This led me to say goodbye to my photography biz.

I felt inspired to go to the USA for a few months, while I figured out my next steps – my own version of Eat, Pray, Love (sadly, minus the pasta and gelato).

The universe rewarded me for my courage: within a week, I met my dream guy. And then a friend suggested a web development boot camp, and I thought, "Why not?" Fast forward a year, I moved to Portland, Oregon, and became a web developer — working with big brands like Nike and Adobe.

I had majorly upleveled my life by following my inner guidance and choosing a more aligned path of ease and flow.

I now had a dream partner, tripled income, a beautiful apartment, and much more balance in my life – without feeling like I was constantly struggling or hustling.

BUT, this is not where the story ends.

Despite all these external wins, I still felt unfulfilled on some level. And I started to wonder, “Was I even capable of being TRULY HAPPY?”

And as the years went by, the exhaustion and burnout slowly crept back in until eventually… I got really sick with a chronic illness. This was a major wake-up call, and it initiated a second personal development journey.

With the help of a life coach and therapist, I dove deep to do the inner work as part of my healing journey. I learned how to slow down, reconnect with my body, and prioritize my well-being through self-care.

During this time I also discovered I was highly sensitive, which helped explain why I often felt so overwhelmed.

As I deepened the connection with myself, I finally felt that sense of true inner peace and freedom I‘d been looking for all this time.

I felt like I’d found the missing piece of the puzzle: true happiness is an inside job.

My inner voice told me to share what I’d learned with the world. And because I realized that staying at my fast-paced corporate job would not be conducive to my long-term health, I decided to take another big leap of faith.

I quit my web development job, became a certified life coach, and created Bloem –  an intentional lifestyle guide for conscious high achievers.

Now, I'm truly living my purpose. I’m excited to wake up every day and help others with what I learned on this wild journey: how to reconnect with your authentic self and create a life you love.

I hope you'll come along for the ride!

xoxo Annie


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A FREE 8-page guide to building mindful daily rituals for clarity, focus, and peace of mind.

Fun facts & faves.

Nationality: Half Dutch & Half American

Personality Type: INFJ / Enneagram 4

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Watching: Vanderpump Rules

Drink: Half-Caff Vanilla Latte

Food: Tacos

Music: Indie & EDM

Reading: The Myth of Normal

Let’s connect!

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