What Is the Higher Self? Understanding Your Inner Power
Source: Jon Flobrant
Ready to tap into your inner wisdom and unlock your full potential? The higher self holds the key to being able to connect with a powerful source of guidance and inspiration.
Many people in the modern world have little or no awareness of their higher self. We’ve lost touch with it as our high-stress lifestyles take up most of our focus.
Before I learned to listen to my higher self, I often felt like I was in the dark. I knew that I wasn’t where I wanted to be in life, but I had no idea where to go or what to do to change that. Kind of like driving around without a GPS.
Once I connected with my higher self, I was finally able to access that inner knowing that could guide me in the right direction. Living in this more aligned way allowed me to quickly move toward the life I truly wanted.
In this blog post, I’ll explore the meaning of the higher self, its role in your personal growth, and how you can connect with your higher self to guide you toward a more meaningful life.
What Is the Higher Self Exactly?
The higher self is the wiser part of us that’s connected to our soul purpose. It can also be described as our inner guidance or intuition. So if you’ve ever felt like you’ve been guided by an inner voice, that’s your higher self helping you stay on the right path.
The higher self has a much broader perspective of you who are and what you’re capable of because it’s tapped into your soul – your spiritual essence. Your ego, or lower self, is focused on surviving daily life and therefore more concerned with short-term gains.
We need a balance of both to live a fulfilled life. But most people are generally more connected to their ego self, which essentially is your personality as you know it. Although your ego helps protect you in day-to-day life, its perspective is limited. It doesn’t see the bigger picture.
How Connecting With Your Higher Self Can Change Your Life
The wisdom of the higher self can help you improve all aspects of your life, from the mundane to your biggest life goals. When you connect with this inner guidance, you become more self-aware, break free from fear, and discover your true purpose.
By living in alignment with your divine self, you’ll transform into the most authentic version of yourself as you realize who you are at a core level. This self-awareness allows you to make better decisions that align with your highest calling.
Because your higher self sees things from a bird’s-eye view, this can also help you stay calmer in stressful or challenging situations.
For example, losing a job can be very upsetting to your ego, but your higher self can view the situation more objectively. It might notice ways that the job wasn’t fulfilling and that something even better is possible.
Seeing the long-term picture can help ease some of the temporary discomfort and give you the clarity you need to take effective next steps.
How to Recognize the Higher Self
Source: Soulful Stock
The higher self is the aspect of you that’s wise, loving, and connected to cosmic consciousness. It always sees the bigger picture and gently guides you to make decisions that help you stay true to who you really are and your purpose in life.
Your higher self communicates with you through various channels, but primarily through intuition and inner knowing. It often speaks in very subtle ways, like nudges, gut feelings, or a deep sense of resonance or alignment.
Messages from your higher self may manifest as an inner voice, images, symbols, dreams, or synchronicities that appear in your life. Be aware that they may not always make perfect sense, especially at first. But don’t worry, your divine self will continue to give you signs until you get the message.
So how can you tell the difference between the higher self and the ego self? The higher self feels calm, unconditionally loving, and aligned with your true essence, while the ego tends to be fear-based, seeking external validation and control.
Messages from your higher self will sound more like a soft whisper, whereas the ego’s voice is usually pretty noisy. As you learn to recognize and overcome the ego’s limiting beliefs, you’ll get better at trusting the guidance and clarity that the higher self offers.
Tips for Connecting With Your Higher Self
To connect with the inner wisdom of your higher self it’s important to create space for self-reflection, moments of stillness, and relaxation on a regular basis.
You can start by setting aside dedicated time for activities like meditation, writing in a journal, or practicing self-care. These practices help calm your mind and make you more receptive to the messages from your higher self.
Pay attention to any intuitive nudges or gut feelings – they’ll provide valuable insights. If you’re an overthinker (like me) it can be hard to notice these subtle messages at first. But as you learn to quiet your mind and be more present, you’ll get better at tuning in to your inner world.
If you’re looking for a more active way to connect with your higher self, pulling tarot cards can be very helpful. Focus on your question and then pull a card. As you read the meaning of the card, what’s your first reaction? What parts of it resonate with you? This can help clarify your inner knowing around a decision or situation.
Whichever way you prefer, know that it can take time to establish a strong connection with your higher self. After years of listening to a loud ego, it can be tricky to hear your higher self’s more muted messages. But the more you practice, the easier it will get.
Final Thoughts
The higher self is the aspect of you that is wise, intuitive, and deeply connected to your true purpose and potential. When you learn to connect with this part of you, you gain access to guidance that aligns your life with your true values.
The higher self communicates with you in very subtle ways, mainly through your intuition and inner knowing. Developing self-awareness through mindfulness and introspection will help you to hear this inner voice.
As you strengthen your connection with your higher self, you’ll notice your life will start to align with your soul’s calling.
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